United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #5
UN Sustainable Development Goal #5
Gender Equality

Tech Solutions Related To UN SDG 5: Gender Equality

UN Sustainable Development Goal 5: Gender Equality, aims to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls through equal access to education, work, healthcare, and political representation. Learn more about Gender Equality in the US in our interactive report. Contact us for insights related to the 14,959 US organizations addressing UN SDG 5.

Discover tech solutions related to the gender pay gap, women leadership, maternal health and other key areas of gender equality below.

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By AMPLY Power, Inc.

AMPLY Power provides commercial fleet operations a charging-as-a-service approach to help fleets transaction to electric vehicles. It delivers a scalable solution for EV Fleet Charging, as a fleet moves from a pilot project to production scale, that accelerates the zero-emission goals of the business and the EV fleet managers. The company was founded in 2018 and is headquartered in Mountain View.


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