United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #11
UN Sustainable Development Goal #11
UN SDG #11
Sustainable Cities and Communities

Tech Solutions Related To UN SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

UN Sustainable Development Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, aims to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable. Learn more about Sustainable Cities and Communities in the US in our interactive report. Contact us for insights related to the 124,982 US organizations addressing UN SDG 11.

Discover tech solutions related to public transportation, affordable housing, disaster response, parks and museums and other key areas of community development below.

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By Avalanche Insights

Avalanche is transforming how we understand and move people to create a more fair and just world. We ask people to speak openly about issues they care about. Then, we truly listen. Language reveals values, emotions, and motivators. Our proprietary technology and analysis uncover the insights you need in order to craft messages that will reach people and resonate.


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