United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #10
UN Sustainable Development Goal #10
UN SDG #10
Reduced Inequality

Tech Solutions Related To UN SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities

UN Sustainable Development Goal 10: Reduced Inequalities, aims to reduce inequality within and among countries. Learn more about Reduced Inequalities in the US in our interactive report. Contact us for insights related to the 34,120 US organizations addressing UN SDG 10.

Discover tech solutions related to immigration, bias and discrimination, income inequality and other key areas of diveristy and inclusion below.

1 results
By Legal Equalizer

Legal Equalizer is a privately-owned startup that provides an application used to assist people to know their rights during a police encounter. The startup features a multi-faceted app that aims at promoting positive police encounters through a more legally informed citizenry. This app will assist both law enforcement and the citizens by correctly educating users on their legal rights.


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